The December 21, 2022 presentation by Greta Brunswick of the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to the South Hero Planning Commission was encouraging. There was an acknowledgment that the shoreland area of the Village Zoning Districts should not be in the village core, which is currently zoned for dense development. Also, a new Village Neighborhood zoning district was proposed for Hill Road and South Street, and parts of both South Hero and Keeler Bay Village Zoning Districts now appear to be “under consideration” for modification. This is all up for discussion at the next Planning Commission meeting, scheduled for January 4, 2023, at 6 pm. Click here to see the PC meeting agenda.
We hope to see you there, but if not, we’ll report on it. Happy New Year to all!
Here are the DRAFT maps with descriptions presented at the December 21 Planning Commission meeting, which will be the basis for discussion at the next meeting on January 4.