Category Archives: Uncategorized

Letter from Planning Commission to Selectboard re. Citizen Petition to Reduce Size of Village Zoning Districts

This letter was presented by chair Sandy Gregg at the Selectboard meeting of 1/23/2023, after the Selectboard had voted to place the articles on the upcoming ballot at Town Meeting.

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Letter to Town Officials about Dec’22 Citizen Petition

A detailed and very readable article about the citizen petition was published in the Jan 11-17 issue of The Islander. The article reported that the Selectboard questioned whether the ballot questions requested by the citizen petition were “binding” or merely … Continue reading

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JUST IN on Draft Proposed Land Use Planning

For the Planning Commission’s ZOOM-only meeting tonight, the following potential zoning standards will be under discussion. Please note that the proposed Village Core has no minimum lot size and that the proposed Village Neighborhood has a 1/4 acre minimum lot … Continue reading

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NRPC Suggests Changes to the Current Village Zoning Districts

The December 21, 2022 presentation by Greta Brunswick of the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to the South Hero Planning Commission was encouraging. There was an acknowledgment that the shoreland area of the Village Zoning Districts should not be in the … Continue reading

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Petition to Reduce the Size of Village Zoning Districts

After many residents in the Village Zoning Districts (VZDs) expressed opposition to the size of the VZDs (see survey results) and after the Planning Commission declined to address this opposition in any meaningful way, a petition was circulated to modify … Continue reading

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Village Zoning District in-Person Survey

Volunteers walked the streets of the South Hero Village Zoning District and the Keeler Bay Village Zoning District to ask residents how they felt about the planned density for their neighborhoods. Volunteers spoke to those who were home or those … Continue reading

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Town Plan Update

There’s lots of activity to report on creating the 2023-2031 South Hero town plan! The town’s Planning Commission, with the support of Northwest Regional Planning Commission (NRPC), conducted a survey of residents about their vision for South Hero. There were … Continue reading

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